October 5 1999 UAC's meeting Lake Wilderness

Q: What is title 19 of the Comp Plan?

Best Communications with KC are serves with being sure of facts speaking the truth and working an issue in an effective way. Guard perceptions (against?)

Y2K costs are +$10 mil so far

UAC update

Four Creeks: Leonard: from a recent survey of constituents, concerns are growth, traffic, crime.

Maple Valley Heidi cites urbanization, traffic congestion as leading problems. Do not encourage growth in outlying areas. Zone for five-acre lots to save rural areas. Do not encourage "clustering" Discourage new library and school projects (serving urban population) in rural areas. Beware depletion of aquifers.

North Highline: Equal rates for equal service (electric). Third runway at Seatac, hard on community of low to moderate income homes. Many social services located in their area…spread them throughout the county equally. Problems with drug houses/meth labs. Need sidewalks. Need help with surface water management, they lose property to flooding each year.

Upper Bear Creek Kevin: Thanks for Cottage Lake Park, thanks for the service center, salmon are back! Problems are traffic, area under served by transit. (Light pollution?)

Vashon Maury Island Jake J: Communications with King County Council improving, at 15% 4 years ago, now at 60%. Residents shouldn't need to hound county to do what they say they will. Residents want advance notice of projects. Cell towers Increased use of council staff working w/UAC's helps. This UAC receives grants for projects, ask Jake for sources. They have 66 years experience as a council. Add all residents within UAC's and you have 100K strong, use this tool.

West Hill Don Stone: Area SW end of Lake WA including Skyway. Not interested in annexation to any nearby city, no nearby city wants to annex them! Air Traffic Noise. They center on points of interest to Their constituents. Partnership w/Co agencies..library, school, com'l center

Comp Plan reviews to be held in communities, a document for growth management. Final goes to KC Council 3/1/00. Comp Plan established 1994-95, this is the first thorough review/update since. Look on the web for more information: Plan reflects a combination of strategies to serve urban and rural. I Concurrency, CIP planning II Rural initives have growth rates going down. Countywide rural growth rate is 4%. Tight restrictions on growth in rural areas. III ESA will require management zones on rivers and streams.

UAC Priorities

Four Creeks "aura of participation in Co Gov't" Elliott Bridge, community wants right of way to remain as is. Wetland variances always granted to detriment of area. Residents comments not used as part of impact statements. UAC's unite, speak with one voice. Watch sewer line densities.

Maple Valley "governance", govern rural area with rural people. There is no rural representation on King County Council. When holding a speaker's forum, begin by asking each speaker's reply to a Yes/No question to qualify to speak.

North Highline Public Safety (meth/drug houses/crime) Third runway vs quality of life. Youth activities. Metro services, parks, surface water mgmt, solid waste…urge composting, community "spring cleaning" and spread human services thruout the county, not cluster in No Highline exclusively. Upper Bear Creek Water quality and quantity, work with upstream Sno County to achieve clean water in streams. Traffic is an urban problem forced on our rural area. Need increased public transit. Thanks for "store front" County services including sheriff patrol.

Vashon Maury Isl. Water. Contributed 5 comp plan amendments. Working to defeat increased gravel mining on Island that may reduce island by 10% if unchecked.

West Hill Sidewalks, continued support of storefront county services. Public safety drugs, meth labs, crime.

Questions, statements dealt with clustering of homes to beat regulations, warning against "strip cities", Lots of questions and comments on taxes. 90% of our taxes are voter approved. Residents are taxed at 97%-accessed value, commercial property is taxed at 76% of accessed value. King County keeps 10% of property taxes, 90% goes to state for schools etc and provides 70% of state budget.

E-mail Terry the exact location of the former dumpsite off W/D road

What is R 47?