4/97 After viewing the "final plans", CLAC still has the following concerns:

Placement and size of the "gathering area"
The designated area is very close to the highway, traffic noise will be a problem.
It's too squeezed between the east side parking lot and the utility road/walking path

Placement of the east side shelter:
Far to carry things from the parking area
Very close to stream barrier
Remote from the natural flow of foot traffic in the park
Easily hidden from public view, encouraging mischief.

Suggestion: Put these two eastside developments closer together, further toward the east border of park, as far away from traffic noise as possible. When Woodinville Duvall Road is widened, the traffic noise will only increase. Are there any highway plans for traffic noise abatement?

Parking space is very limited on both the west and east side. How can it be increased? Can there be diagonal parking along the west property line? Can Phase I include enlarging the east parking area to the max?

Surface of the children's play area. In the beginning, we researched a type of surface that would make the play area accessible to everyone, including wheel chair bound. What is the planned surface of the children's area now? (Call Debbie on this one)

Planting of the stream corridor Debbie Rehnfelt has volunteered to help with this project. She is very well qualified to advise since she is the conservation person for the Woodinville Water District, it's her business as well as belief to use native, draught tolerant plants (Call Debbie on this one)

Fishing, swimming, boat launching all in the dock area. Are all these activities compatible with one another?

Bob asked why the new shelter on the west side wasn't going where the existing shelter is.

This is about the list of concerns that I've noted. Good luck on the presentation!

Deb......Here are the notes I spoke of this morning. In addition, I mentioned the care and upkeep of the park once it is reopened. The park has not been groomed since Kathy was reassigned elsewhere. The "mowing crew" does an indifferent job at best. Optimum would be having a steward at the park (at least part time) who has access to a mower. An equipment shed is on the plan for the eastside, will a mower be housed there?