Upper Bear Creek Community Council Board meeting Dec 14, 2002

Present: Geoff Clayton, Mary Filkins, Jerry Hicks, Bob McCormick, Kathy & Rick Ravenscroft (new to board) Nancy Stafford. Kevin and Pat Mc were at work; we missed Marissa and her expertise. Kathy & Rick Ravenscroft Kathy@wdsdemo.com (work)
Home rravens@earthlink.net
Geoff suggests Craig Weaver and Randy Borrows may want to join the board.

Brightwater: A Response Letter needs to be written…Geoff. Amenities for the community as "good neighbors". Brightwater on Highway 9 can change the composition of our community for years to come.

Mary reports that we have approximately $7000. remaining of county funds for 2002. We'd like to use the money as follows:
$500. Boy Scouts- prepayment for work in the blueberries at Mary Cash Farm.
$500. Outdoor Classroom at Cottage Lake Ele.
$500. Hopelink in memory of Chuck Eberhart
$500. Woodinville Friends of the Library for children's programs
$500. Support of the Woodinville Band
$3500. Reserve for Music in the Park 2003. Covering funding that may no longer be available.
This leaves $1000.00 to be decided. Suggestions: an updated mailing list of our catchment area, the Maltby Food Bank, Christmas list from Post Office, local needy families, Fire Dept for distribution.

Visibility: Geoff again brought up the need for a Newsletter. It was suggested that the NL be inserted into the Woodinville Weekly for circulation (if possible) as an alternative to mailing it. Mailing to specific postal zones is possible. It was suggested that we pay the Woodinville Weekly to insert our logo in their announcements of our meetings. We need to inform the WW that our Forum meetings will be again held at the Woodinville Water District offices beginning in January, and that Geoff is the new president of the council. Rick suggested a letter to the editor or reporter interview with Geoff as new president, plugging the council at the same time! Geoff will contact WW for an appointment with Carol or Julie to discuss the above. Use of the Service Center space (Louise Millers former office) for Board meetings is to be explored.

2003 Jan…Larry Phillips (KC Council) wants to talk to us on the "Adopts" program in concert with KC Active Sports and Recreation Commission, in aid of a reorganized Parks Dept. Working toward removal of liability issues and union objections to allow community groups to active care for nearby parks. Feb….Governance: Financial efficiency in use of tax dollars. Are taxes of Unincorporated County used to support this area proportionately? Is KC Council representing Unincorporated areas with their current 13 member council or should there be a member specifically representing Unincorp. King Co? Transportation.

Mar: Woodinville Water District with utility taxes, how are they to be used?
April: What are you permitted to do with your property w/o breaking the law?
May…and beyond: Roads, Sheriff's Dept, City of Woodinville, and Northshore School District.
It was suggested that we generate some forum meetings from local presenters, not relying solely on the County to provide information. Geoff now has the UBCC lap-top

Lunch was Pizza & green salad, fruit and cookies! Adjourned after lunch, 12:30?