Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes


Date:  March 27  2012
Subject:  KC Sheriff Update (budget) & CSA Report
Time: 7:30 – 8:45 PM
Location:  Woodinville Water District Offices
Board Attendees: Nancy Stafford,  Jerry Hicks, Nancy Stafford
County Attendees: Major Jerrell Wills, Marissa Algeria, Julia Larson
Community Attendees: Juanita Verschuyl, Son of Major Wills

Meeting began on time.  Julia Larson discussed proposed maps of the current CSA areas.  We suggested that the “thumb” of English Hill in Redmond be included in UBCC area since most concerns/projects  affect both areas.  Julia said each CSA is to have a website through King County.

Major Wills is now charged with an even larger portion of KC than he has been.  Budget for the Sheriff’s office has been reduced.  An efficiency audit was done and it was determined dividing the county into four zones, services could be shared more effectively.  Staff has been reduced, community services have been reduced, dedicated special units that were formerly staffed in each district for their use only, will now be shared as needed between zones.  UBCC is in zone one, extending south from the Snohomish County line to I-90; west to the sound and including both mountain passes to the east.  KC Sheriff has lost 150 staff members in the past 3 years.  They are dealing with an influx of mental illness problems in the county population.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45.  Next meeting April 24th when the community will discuss the proposed moving of the Urban Growth Boundary line to accommodate the City of Woodinville’s desire to annex 14 parcels of land in the Sammamish Valley.  Please join us!

Musicians are still needed for Music in the Park…apply to nancy@go2email for more information!