Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Notes

Date:     Sept 27, 2011
Subject:  Taxes & Roads
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Location:  Woodinville Water District Offices
Board Attendees: Mary Filkins, Nancy Stafford
County Attendees: Marissa Algeria, Lloyd Hara, Phillip Sit, Rick Brater, Carter Reeve
Community Attendees: Maxine Keesling, Megan DeSantis, Terry Lavender, Juanita Verschuyl, Wendy Walsh, Joanna Hamed, Michael Craig, Carol Porter, Bryan Smith, Margene Michael

The meeting began at 7:35 with information on “Stream Watcher” training available to count fish in our streams this spawning season.
Mary Filkins gave a report on the opening of Brightwater Wastewater Treatment Facility last weekend.

Lloyd Hara, King County Assessor gave a Power Point presentation showing the number of parcels taxable in King C. (700,000) and showing 53% of KC tax money goes to School Districts, 27% to local governments etc.  Current year taxes are based on the previous years parcel value assessments.  He explained the complicated system of determining the tax amount in each area, limiting to1% growth plus voter approved bond or levy funds or new construction in an area.  Assessors look at 1/6 or 120,000 parcels each year.  He went into the tax appeal process and said owners can appeal a parcel’s value figure, not the tax..  Relative handouts were available with contact phone numbers.  He can be reached at 206 296 5197. or  www.kingcounty.gov/assessor

Rick Brater of KC Roads also had a Power Point presentation and a handout showing the Proposed Tiers for Road Services over the next 5 years or more and dictated by revenue losses.  Currently, road building and maintenance costs in unincorporated KC are not borne equally by drivers using them.  No remedy in sight. 
The tiers plan puts all unincorporated county roads into 5 categories.  Avondale Rd in Category 1 which is heavily traveled, connects communities, major services and critical infrastructure.  Tier 1 roads will receive the highest level of response and maintenance.  Details on the Proposed Tiers for Road Service can be found on www.kingcounty.gov/roads/newservicelevels

Both presentations were followed by Q&A sessions and proved informative.


Meeting adjourned at 9PM.  The room cleared by 9:15, our thanks to Woodinville Water District for opening and closing the meeting area for us.  Next public forum  Oct 25, 2011.