Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Notes

Date: March 22, 2011           
Subject:  PSE proposed Natural gas pipeline on the Tolt River Trail
Time: 7:30 – 9:15 PM
Location:  Woodinville Water District Offices
Board Attendees: Mary Filkins,  Jerry Hicks, Kevin Coughlin, Nancy Stafford
County Attendees: Marissa Alegria, Randy Sandin DDES, Dave Namura and 6 others from PSE
Community Attendees:  Full house, about 50 in total

Nancy Stafford opened the meeting by offering contact information for the Woodinville PATCH, a new electronic news service for this area, and Annie Archer, it’s editor.
She then gave a brief introduction to the concern of having PSE install a natural gas pipeline on the Tolt River Trail corridor.  PSE has purchased a 25’wide and 5.5 mile long  right-of-way and proposes a 16” pipe carrying natural gas be installed.  This project was brought to the attention of the UBCC by
Hollywood Hill resident Lori Claudon who gave her experience with researching the project.
Dave Namura of PSE then spoke and introduced the PSE staff with him who gave their presentations.
Questions from area residents and answers from presenters were accepted all through the presentations.
Pipeline Safety was a big issue on both sides.  Since 1970, Federal and State regulations have greatly  increased the safety of these pipelines.  Earthquakes were addressed.  Differences of Distribution and Transmission lines was explained and discussed.  Affects of the project on property values of neighboring homes is of primary concern. 
Randy Sandin of DDES addressed Permitting processes from Federal regulations to very local regulations that the City of Woodinville would need to apply.  No application for permits or pre application talks have been requested or received by DDES at this time. 
Gretchen Aliabadie of PSE traced the 3 stages of construction proposed for this project and said that no process can begin until funding is allocated in PSE budget process this fall or beyond.  The first phase of installation would be from Mink Rd west to 155th, the second from the interstate Transmission line at 216th to Mink Rd and the final phase from 155th to the other side of the Sammamish River.
Kevin Coughlin tried to form a best/worst case scenario on timeline for the project but because of all the design and extensive permitting needed, it will be a long process!
Dave Namura assured those present who had given contact information would be notified as the project proceeds.  Randy Sandin assured the group that all legal notices needed in the process would be posted, neighbors notified etc.  The UBCC will be kept informed as well.

Nancy Stafford

Meeting adourned at 9PM.  Our thanks to Woodinville Water District for opening and closing the meeting area for us.  Next public forum April 26th, 2011.