Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes

Date: February 23, 2010
Time: 7:30-9:10PM
Location: Woodinville Water District Offices
Board Attendees: Nancy Stafford. Mary Filkins. Jerry Hicks,
County Attendees: Marissa Alegria, Julia Larson
Community Attendees: Juanita Verschuyl, Kevin Coughlin

Because we were a small group, we sat in a circle and heard Julia talk about  the purpose of Rural Economic Stratagies.
I learned that neither King County or the State of Washington require licenses for “in home” businesses. 
There have been KC Code changes to make it easier for these businesses to operate successfully on their small scale and help maintain a rural area feel.  Code changes have typically dealt with nurseries, auto repair shops, farmers, and rural organizations (21 Acres locally) etc.
Julia works within the Executive Branch of King County Government with 3 goals in mind:

  1. Support the diversity and richness of the rural economy by effectively engaging farmers, foresters, rural business owners, rural communities and rural related organizations in an on-going dialogue.
  2. Implement the intent and policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan to support a sustainable and vibrant rural economy.
  3. Promote opportunities for rural residents to both live and work in the rural area.

Concern for this project being used as a census for future new licensing and or taxation were voiced; Julia had no knowledge of that.  She is interested in information management and envisions one location where ideally ALL questions regarding codes, rules and regulations in the rural County can
be found by planners and those needing the information.

A Memorandum was given to all in attendance with further explanation of her work and list of printed materials supporting this project.  Copies are available by contacting Julia Larson at 206 296 1062 or e-mail  julia.larson@kingcounty.gov.

The next public forum of Upper Bear Creek Community Council will be held March 23 at the Water District Offices, beginning at 7:30PM   If you have questions or concerns relating to our area, please contact Nancy Stafford  nancy@go2email.net

If you have suggestions for participants in our summer concert series, please give those to Nancy too!
The search is on for musicians…opening night will be July 1st with the Woodinville Jazz Band at Cottage Lake Park.