Upper Bear Creek Unincorporated Area Council

Serving 22,000 people in north-central King County
between the Sammamish and Snoqualmie Rivers and
north of Redmond and east of Woodinville.

Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes

Date: May 27, 2008

Time: 6:30- 9:30

Location: Woodinville Water District Offices

Board Attendees: Jerry Hicks, Nancy Stafford, Mary Filkins.

CountyAttendees: Maissa Alegria, Jackie MacLean -DCHS, DouGlas Palenshus, Sinang Lee, Dave

Garland – WA Ecology, Matt Dunnahoe, Gayle Hoffman, King Co

Conservation District
Community Attendees: Richard Lund, Guy Battzell, Bob Yoder, Shirley Doolittle-Egerdahl,

Ed Schein, Dick Schaetzel, Joanna Hamed, Karen Steeb, Juanita Verschuyl,

Eric Soshea, Jan Hunt, Maxine Keesling,

This evenings meeting began one hour earlier than usual with displays from both the WA Dept of Ecology and King Conservation District, followed by presentations from both. Several tables of handouts were available.

WA Dept of Ecology has been taking samples of Evans Creek and Bear Creek for amounts of fecal coliform bacteria and has found both waterways have levels beyond what WA State allows in our freshwaters. A power point presentation was made by Sinang Lee, showing how measurements are made, how samples are affected by weather and suggesting ways that these “overload” figures can be changed by education of the public and better stream protection practices. Keep four legged animals away from stream corridors and strict maintenance of your septic systems top the list! Lee can be contacted at 425 649 7110 or sile461@ecology.wa.gov

King Conservation District works with Snohomish Conservation District mostly in rural lands with some help to urban areas. They are about working with the land and treatment of that land, having “Best Management Practices” plans available and assistance for implementing them. Their newsletter is available-contact them at 425 277 5581 or through their website www.kinged.org.

Both these Departments work closely with one another and include WSU Extension Services

Jackie MacLean, Director of Community and Human Services for King Co gave an overview of services provided specifically to residents in our area. DCHS is comprised of programs for Aging, Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Developmental Disabilities, Community Organizing, Housing and Community Development, Mental Health, Public Defender, Veteran’s Programs, Woman’s Programs, Work Training, Youth and Family Services. She oversees 11 advisory boards administering these programs and has been advised that her funding will be cut by +7% in each of the next three years.


All programs presented were met with questions from the community, the meeting closed at 9:30 with discussions continuing out of the building!


Next meeting Sept 23, 2008 . Hope to see everyone Thursday nights for Music at Cottage Lake Park beginning July 3 rd at 7:00 PM