Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes

Date: Jan 24, 2006

Time: 7:30 – 9:10 PM

Location: Woodinville Water District Offices

Board Attendees: Mary Filkins, Geoff Clayton, Nancy Stafford, Jerry Hicks,

CountyAttendees: Marissa Algeria, Julia Larson, Paul Reitenbach

Community Attendees: Nancy Nicholl, Victor Tryon, Steven Baily, Adrian Boeschoten


The meeting was called to order by Pres. Geoff Clayton who introduced our first speaker Paul Reitenbach of DDES, speaking about the few 2006 changes proposed for the King County Comprehensive Plan to be submitted to the King County Council March 1 st. By speaking to UAC’s, he is gathering comments from the communities for consideration. Comments from UBCC included some important words MISSING from the Comp Plan, ie: Chinook, senior citizens and soils (preservation there of). A discussion followed about the difficulty seniors have in keeping up with property tax increases as well as rules prohibiting the addition of second dwellings for extended family living benefiting both young and older members of a family. A need for increased attention to traffic safety in rural areas as they are “built out” was mentioned.

The KC Comp Plan covers rural areas of the county; urban cities are governed by County-wide Planning Policies.


Julia Larson then presented a preliminary report on Rural Economic Strategies. She stressed the need for community involvement (UAC's) She suggests:

  1. A rural resources web site with a calendar of events for rural communities – a “what’s going on” type of information site.
  2. Rural community partnerships for economic vitality while stressing retaining the individual identity of each community
  3. Home-based business regulations, asking for seen obstacles/benefits to in home businesses. Conditional Use Permits were mentioned.


Meeting closed at 9:PM. Next public forum February 28 th, same time, same place.


Question to UBCC members: Couldn’t Julia get much of the information she requested from Business licenses that are required by the county for doing business anywhere in King County?