Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes

Date: February 22, 2005

Time: 7:30 – 9:10 PM

Location: Woodinville Water District Offices

Board Attendees: Mary Filkins, Geoff Clayton, Nancy Stafford, Kathy Ravenscroft.

County Attendees: Marissa Algeria, Jeffery McMorris (Kathy Lambert) Katy

Vanderpool DNR, Paulette Norman, Traffic

Community Attendees: Maxine Keesling, Joan Fleming, John Calvin, Amy Curtis,

Susie Egan, Mary Kuehn, Rex Smith, Nathan Dunham

Geoff Clayton opened the meeting with some local announcements then turned the meeting over to Paulette Norman from King County Road Services Division. She gave handouts on the 2005 King County Road Standards Update for Upper Bear Creek area. This plan amends the 1993 KC Road Design and Construction Standards to incorporate corrections based on changing needs of the area and updating ADA and non-motorized standards. Bike and equestrian needs were discussed. Copies of handouts are available from her at Dept of Transportation, Road Services Div. 206 296 0176.

Katy Vanderpool presented handouts on Rural Stewardship Plans, the new county program based on Best Management Practices from Water Land Resources Division of Dept of Natural Resources and Parks of King County. Katy took on this project when Ray Heller, former Bear Creek stream steward was transferred to her previous post as stream steward on Vashon Island.

Rural Stewardship Plans offer flexibility to tailor habitat protections by offering technical assistance to landowners whose property is zoned Rural Residential (RA) and are interested in developing environmental protections to fit their property and goals.

There are three other options of help to manage your property: Standard Development Regulations with standard requirements of the Critical Areas Ordinance and other King County regulations governing how and where you can conduct development and other activities that impact critical areas. Farm Plans for those primarily farming or managing

livestock using protections that are consistent with agricultural practices. Forest Management gives technical assistance to manage forest resources on your property under state regulations.

Free introductory workshops can help explain the planning process and determine whether it will meet your needs.

For more information on Rural Stewardship Plans call Katy Vanderpool at 206 296 8362. A Rural Stewardship Planning Handbook is available on line at http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/cao.

The meeting closed at 9:15. Next meeting March 22, at 7:30PM at the Water District Offices.