Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes

Date: April 27, 2004
Time: 7:30 - 9:10 PM
Location: Woodinville Water District Offices
Board Attendees: Geoff Clayton, Mary Filkins, Jerry Hicks, Kathy Ravenscroft, Nancy Stafford.
County Attendees: Michael Popiwny of Brightwater project
Community Attendees: Terry Lavender, Jeff Goold, Rosalie Paulgen, Ronald Braun, Jorge Barrerer, Dick Schatt, Matt McCain, Shirley Doolittle Egerdahl, Brian Bodenbach, Janie Philipp, Steven Baily and Jeanette Knutson of the Woodinville Weekly.

Jeff Goold encouraged all those present to attend the Snohomish County Parks public meeting May 10th regarding the Paradise Valley Conservation Plan, at Hidden Valley School, Maltby from 7: to 8:30. This is the Doolittle property recently acquired for conservation land.
Meeting was opened by Geoff Clayton speaking on the "good neighbor" policy put forth by King County government as a component of the Brightwater wastewater treatment plant to be located on Hwy 9 just north of Woodinville and asking that UBCCC have a part in defining the phrase "good neighbor". This council is concerned for the physical protection, restoration and preservation of this high resource area on the eastern Urban Growth Boundary line of King and Snohomish Counties.
M. Popiwny gave another update on the treatment plant plans and the process of tunneling west to the outfall of waste water into Puget Sound which was followed by suggestions and questions from those attending and dealt largely with the use of $88M mitigation in funds. M Popinwny repeated that the funds needed to be used for mitigation along the entire project area, from the proposed plant west to the outfall. Jeanette Knutson writes a complete review of this meeting, published by the Woodinville Weekly of May 3rd on pages 2 and 12.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10. Next meeting date May 25th.