Upper Bear Creek UAC Meeting Minutes

Date: April 24, 2001
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location: Woodinville Water District
Board Attendees: Geoff Clayton, Chuck Eherhart, Nancy Stafford, and Peter Lamanna
King County Attendees: Marissa Algeria
Community Attendees: Gwen Maxwell

Nancy reported on the Brightwater Treatment Plant workshop she attended this evening. It was held in the Woodinville High School from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. They announced that Ron Sims has removed the Woodinville site from the list of candidates. The affordable housing project will continue forward at that location. Funding recently became available for it. The Route 9 site still remains on the list.

Tom Fox, King County Waste Water Treatment, reported on the possibility of providing reclaimed water in our area. They have identified a significant number of potential large users in the Samamish Valley i.e. Sixty Acres, sod farms, and Willows Run Golf Course. They have started working on some designs for a small water skimming facility that could be place in the valley close to the existing ninety-inch sewer line. Thought is even being given to making it portable so that it could also serve the Green River area in the south end of the county. Presently, their studies are showing that it is not economically feasible to bring water out from a regional plant beyond 3 to 5 miles. This will weigh in their site selection when the final decision is made for BrightWater.

Maria Ramirez, King County Community Services Division, gave an overview of the numerous programs they have to offer to residents i.e. aging, domestic violence, child care, employment services and work training, housing finance and repair, community organizing, and veterans benefits. They have conducted a study on the rural area and are looking at how well they are doing in serving the residents of those areas. Maria went through a summary of that report. Some items of interest are:

· Six regions of service have been identified
· 27% of county residents are represented by UACs.
· 18% of residents live in the rural areas as opposed to 82% in the urban areas. Our UAC has strangely been grouped in the North Urban region though.

In the fall they expect to report on how well they are doing with providing services to residents in the unincorporated areas. They will apply their framework policies in this evaluation. Certain services are considered mandatory i.e. mental health, developmental disabilities, and veterans benefits. Maria would like to hear from the community and us. She asked if we would please fill out the response form. Nancy suggested that Maria regularly submit announcements about their programs to the Woodinville Weekly. Many of our residents are probably not aware of all the services they have to offer.

Meeting closed at 9:00 PM. The next meeting will be held at Cottage Lake Park Clubhouse on May 8th at 7:30 PM.