The Annual meeting was held Oct 24, 2000 at the Woodinville Water District Offices. Attending were: Debra Ridling, Chuck Eberhart, Gwenn Maxfield, Peter Lamanna, Geoff Clayton, and from the county, Marissa Alegria and Kathy Hathaway.

Gwenn conducted the election. A unanimous vote for the nominated slate was cast. We will need to recruit some more board members. Perhaps Debbie Ridling would be a board member without office?

Officers for 2001: Chair: Nancy Stafford, V. Chair: Geoff Clayton, Treas: Peter Lamanna, Secretary: Greg Nereim.

None of the other UAC's have a flyer that we can use for a pattern so Nancy, create a flyer for posting at the Community Service Center and perhaps the library?

A discussion of topics for council attention followed the election. Geoff took notes on this as he is also in the process of putting a newsletter together before the end of the year. It was suggested that the flyer be sent to residents preceding the newsletter as an introduction. The widening of Woodinville Duvall Road from the city limits of Woodinville to Avondale will be a primary focus for the coming year. Plan for a January meeting on this subject, Jan 23rd with Transportation staff on hand to field questions.

Maintenance of Park properties, UPD's in rural areas, music in the park for next summer, speeding and stop signs were all mentioned.

Coffee and cookies were served; Debbie took pictures with Chuck's camera and film turned into the Woodinville Weekly.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Next meeting the 14th of November at Norm's House on Cottage Lake.