Attending: Gregory L Nereim, Ann Whitney, Chuck Eberhart, Geoff Clayton, Debbie Ridling, Nancy Stafford from the community. Kevin Brown, Marissa Alegria and Kathy Hathaway from King Co., Mark Epstein, Michael Lozano.

Mike Lazano is the project manager for the development of Cottage Lake Park. Dept of Facilities Management, not the Park Dept, employs him. Currently, his concern with the Park is installing additional equipment in the Play yard, a task that should be completed by the end of the year at the cost of $35,000. There will be two solid ramps built into the play area to facilitate handicapped children, the play area will be surfaced with FIBAR.

Mark Epstein reported that the Design Development is 95% complete. Then the plans are submitted to the permit process, a 6-9 month time-line. Estimated time to begin final construction either early spring of 2001 or the fall of 2001, depending on permits and contracts being let. The final phase includes 2 more picnic shelters, a duplicate of the one there on the west side and a larger one on the east side, a restroom and maintenance shed to be constructed on the east side, a single tennis court on the west side near the pickleball court, and a healthy wooded buffer along Woodinville Duvall road, one that will remain as the road is widened. There no longer seems to be room for a designated bike trail from one side of the park to the other. Perhaps this can be incorporated in the road widening plans for W/D Road. Mike will let me know who the contractors are that he has been dealing with re: the road. The concrete pad for the performance area is in place, complete as is. The county is contemplating purchase of a "mobile stage"; it could be used at many facilities on a reserve basis. Parking availability is still controlling population of the park, no new parking places being added. Kevin was asked about signage in the park asking people not to feed the geese. Parks is not encouraging swimming in the lake since it will not provide a lifeguard there. Geoff has contacted Louise Miller about the possibility of lengthening the swim season by some kind of cover for the pool.

Geoff reported on the Cold Creek Natural Area meeting, about 25 people in attendance. The property has been secured with Water Way 2000 funds; the total acreage in this collection is 100 acres. The area is to remain a passive park. Existing trails are disappearing. Park access is from the north or south, no through trails. The blueberry farm has 10 acres of producing plants and another few acres of plants that could be reclaimed by removing blackberries. Geoff is proposing some kind of an arrangement that will allow community picking of the blueberries, perhaps as a scout or boys and girls club project.

Geoff did meet with Tim Kelly at Tim's home and is sure Tim can rearrange his septic plan and keep his trees because of the acreage he has to work with.

Kathy Hathaway introduced herself as the KC staff person who will cover our meetings from now on. She reported a meeting for Comp plan approval happening on Nov 13th, 1:30 at the Courthouse.

Nancy asked for help with the October annual meeting that will include elections. An ad has been placed in the Woodinville Weekly asking for board members.

The October 10 meeting will be a joint UAC meeting with the County Executive Ron Sims at Beverly Park Elementary School in Seattle, 7:pm. Our October 24th Annual meeting will be held at the Woodinville Water District Offices, 7:70 pm.