Notes Upper Bear Creek Community Council Aug 22, 2000

Attending: From King County, Marissa Algeria, Paula Adams (DDES) and Paulette Norman (K C Roads) Wendy Walsh, Debbie Rannfeldt, John Peck, Debbie Ridling, Gwenn Maxfield, Mary Filkins, Peter Lamanna, Nancy and Jerry Stafford.

Paulette Norman gave a handout on the roads projects that will be affecting our population over the next 2-7 years. Some projects like the Woodinville/Duvall improvements are just now beginning the study phase, others are on the schedule for completion this fall. The "pipeline" for Road projects is 6 years. Paulette took note of the intersections we know need some type of signal added and said all roads entering W/D road would be looked at for access. John Peck brought up the speed limits and heavy truck traffic on Avondale during and after school hours with emphasis on school buses being able to exit with safety. Peter Lamanna said his neighborhood on Bear Creek Road is still experiencing some very fast traffic. A "reader board" noting the speeds of each car may need to be placed on Bear Creek Road to slow things down. The handout is attached.

Paula Adams gave us a summary on the improvements that are being made in the DDES offices. Waiting time on incoming phones has been reduced from 20 minutes to 1 minute or less, building permits are being processed in about 3 weeks instead of 4 months as they were last summer. She pointed out that DDES is a fee supported agency and funding is always a problem for them. She and Paulette were able to answer or field most of the questions asked. Some answers needed additional research and they promised to get back with the answers. The subject of funding kept coming up; lack of enforcement is a direct result of inadequate funding. This is a matter for UBC council to take up with the King County Council. Paula had copies of the DDES quarterly newsletter for distribution. She invited us to the DDES offices for a demonstration of what can be found on the DDES Web site, another segment of their operation that is underfunded. Action/letters need to go in ASAP as the funding process is already in motion.

Unfortunately, Dave McLeod, Glen Bodman and Kevin Ord (the 244th St gang) were not in attendance. This meeting was largely for them.

Look for a "letter to the editor" regarding the UBCC in this weeks Woodinville Weekly. (Aug. 21 2000)

Meeting closed at 9:00. Next meeting Sept 12th at Norm's House on Cottage Lake…7:30. The Sept 26th meeting will be at the Woodinville Water District and we'll hear the plans for phase III (completing phase) of Cottage Lake Park.